10 Easy Way To Increase Your Instagram Engagement In 2023
What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
Running a business may it be as an influencer, as a marketer or all at once, you have to take care of your social media marketing to sell your goods or services.
To boost your engagement on your social media pages, of course, the ideal solution would be to engage naturally with your audience on a daily basis, but it seems sometimes hard to apply when you have other important topics to handle.
On Instagram, engagement is the goal to reach for most marketers. To simplify, the more people will like your posts and share your content, the more chances you have to reach potential customers for your business. Indeed, Instagram is a real opportunity for small businesses to gain more visibility and therefore increase their sales. There are some tricks to learn to quicker develop your Instagram engagement.
We chose 10 of the easiest ways to increase your Instagram Engagement.
1. Instagram Engagement Through Stories Stickers
You can take your instagram account to the next level thanks to this handy method. One of them is to interact with your audience through Instagram Stories Stickers. What does it really mean?
Use polls, quizzes, tests and emoji sliders to multiply interactions with your content on Stories. The trick is also to get your audience used to engaging with your stories by posting regularly.
You can also ask questions with these stickers; open questions or only limited to a particular subject, it’s up to you! The important is that your audience feels fully prompt to interact thus benefiting to your instagram engagement.

2. Use Powerful Memes
Memes are here to stay! Often used to make fun of a situation we can all relate to, they are easy to share and adapt to other situations.
Their success tells us something: that the Instagram audience likes relatable content.
The right memes can get you more likes, comments and shares than you might expect.
Even reusing trending memes can be beneficial for your Instagram engagement; plus it helps to stay relevant to the eyes of your audience.

3. Create Saveable Graphics
Creating a content that will get you saved, is also a good way of encouraging Instagram engagement. You may wonder how? That is simple! Infographics and quotes are more likely to be saved and shared than any other types of content.
They can be aesthetically pleasing, funny, emotional or educative. Strangely enough, the fact of sharing tweets on your Instagram can level up your engagement rate.
There are a few successful accounts whose content is mainly focused on commenting repurposed tweets. This content is not time-consuming at all. It will only require you to be a bit creative and find the good quotes that will speak to your audience. You can use Canva templates to design these quotes.
4. Share Valuable Information in Carousel Posts
Carousel posts are indeed an easy way to keep your fans engaged. You can post several pictures in one post; it can also be made with videos and graphics and so on.
It is up to your own creative brief! For instance, when making an infographic, it all makes sense. As the content can sometimes be long to read, a carousel is completely appropriate in this case. The information can be divided into several pictures. As a lot of informative content, it is more likely to be saved and shared amongst users.
In your post, you have more than 1 chance to drive engagement. Each carousel pictures is an opportunity in itself!
5. Include Call to Actions In Your Captions
As we said earlier, asking for questions is a genuine way of keeping your audience engaged. That is what we call CTA: Call To Action.
With relevant questions, you will encourage your audience to engage naturally with your content. It has to be coherent with the rest of your content and bring something new to your audience.
Otherwise you may miss the point. For instance, you can ask your followers what restaurant they recommend for your next trip to Lisbonne. It has to make sense with what you chose to talk about or not on your Instagram page and you will be more likely to receive comments.

You can also ask your audience to click on the link in bio if they want further information about a topic that implies more research.
There you can link your Instagram bio to a landing page or to any other website that will be related to your activity.
6. Use Your Personality
You can use Instagram for your business but also for your own personal brand if you want to drive engagement. By sharing more personal content, you have higher chance to build a real community.
Humans still react more easily if they see a face, rather than another picture of sunset! So do hesitate to be bold and let them see you!
Of course, it is easier said than done. It is not always easy to be in front of the camera when it is not your main occupation let alone your main hobby. But it is important to remind your fans that there is a real human-being behind this business and behind all this content.
You can try this technic on Instagram stories. And be prepared! You will always feel more confident if you prepared the topic of your post, especially if you are not used to doing it. For instance, practice talking to the camera before posting can also be a good lesson.
An important part of your strategy also should be to answer your audience and let them know they are heard. When they see that you reply to what they say, they will be encouraged to continue to engage with you. To make this a bit easier, Ideta developed a solution to send automatic comments to your community. The final goal here is to lead your audience to further engagement.

7. Scheduling on Instagram Is Key
Regularity is paramount to succeed on social media. That is all the more true to increase engagement on Instagram. That is why it is important to schedule the content you will provide to your audience.
By planning every posts, you are more likely to maintain regularity. You can use social media planner such as Buffer. Buffer will take care of posting your content at the chosen time and date.
8. Giveaway And Contest
What can be more efficient than organising a giveaway to encourage your community to engage? With the idea of getting a gift by participating to your giveaway, you have the opportunity to interact with your community on a deeper level.
Depending on the nature of the giveaway, it can also lead to more shares, saves, tags and likes. You can not only please your actual audience, but you also can reach new followers who will be attracted by the possibility of winning the giveaway. There are a selection of great tools that will make it easy for you to organize giveaways.
Beware to stay true to your brand image and stay coherent with the rest of your content. Otherwise, it will seem unauthentic and less enticing for your audience.

9. Collab on Instagram Reels
When using Reels, you can multiply your chance to boost your Instagram engagement with Collabs. What are Collabs? This feature is meant to share a content with another Instagram creator on a post or a Reel.
For more collaboration, you need more Posts so you can create fast and engaging posts with the help of an Instagram video editor, they have a pre-defined template that can help you to create more posts for collaboration.
The reel or post will then appear on both profiles, allowing you to take advantage of each other views, likes and comments. This is also a great way to enlarge your community and make yourself more visible. In this case, you should choose your Collabs wisely knowing the number of their followers, their engagement rate and of course their content.

10. Use Relevant Hashtags
With Hashtags you can increase your reach, thus indirectly increase your Instagram engagement. Hashtags are the basics of your marketing strategy on social media and do no require much studies.
Posts with relevant hashtags receive more reach than if those were missing. But do not write any hashtags without thinking about it before. By looking into what your competitors do and see what is working you can check what can make sense with your content and could potentially speak to your audience as well.