Advantages of Conversational AI for Your Business
What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
Communicating with customers has been completely revolutionized nowadays. With the development of technology, many new features and tools are available to boost your company's communication skills. One of those tools is conversational AI. The advantages of conversational AI are plentiful, and we are here to tell you all about them.
Many big companies have paired AI with chatbots or speech-based assistants. And since many are doing that, there must be a reason, right? Right. People today have high expectations about everything. So, business owners have been testing out ways to meet their customers' expectations and keep them satisfied.
One useful and time-saving way to meet your customers' high expectations is utilizing the many advantages of conversational AI. But, enough with the chitchat. Let's see how artificial intelligence powered conversation can benefit you and your business!

Advantages of Conversational AI for Customer Service
Customer service is the bread and butter of any business. Similarly, chatbots are the rock stars of AI when it comes to customer service. Getting an AI-based chatbot will do wonders for your customer service.
Namely, a chatbot can do anything from answering questions instantly to completing a purchase all by itself. Also, a chatbot can provide customers with the information they need and be there for them 24/7. So, you can rest assured that a chatbot is tending to your customers around the clock.
AI chatbots can understand almost anything people say. They use Natural Language Processing, which makes understanding what customers are saying a piece of cake. Also, these chatbots can answer customers with personalized messages. Thus, your customers will feel even more special and would not hesitate to contact you again.
What's more, AI-based chatbots can be excellent assistants to agents. Chatbots can start conversations with customers, and when need be, hand over the reins to the appropriate agent. All of these advantages of conversational AI chatbots will produce a sensational experience for your customers. Also, it will provide them with immediate responses coupled with expertise and skill.
And, if you don't know how to make an AI chatbot, it's not a problem. You can read everything you need to know about making your chatbot here!
Employee Efficiency
Next on our list of advantages of conversational AI is employee efficiency. AI chatbots can do many tasks without any additional help. That means that you do not have to employ people to do simple tasks.
For instance, tasks like finding products and checking inventory are a piece of cake for chatbots. Also, the chatbot can verify delivery times and inform customers about them. What's more, if a customer needs the location of your store, a chatbot can provide that as well.
Having a chatbot will boost productivity in your company. You won't need to focus on simple and repetitive tasks anymore!
So, your employees will have more time to focus on more complicated tasks. Also, you won't need to employ additional people to answer simple questions. You can spend those resources on something more productive.
What's best, you will be saving money. Purchasing a chatbot software will cost less but do more for you. In turn, employing a few people to answer questions and requests will cost a lot more.

Advantages of Conversational AI - Data Collecting
Another one of the advantages of conversational AI is data collecting. Collecting data is a great way to get to know your customers. For example, when a customer saves an item in the shopping cart. That will give you information about what they like, and what size they wear.
Also, data collecting is tedious and difficult if you do it by yourself. However, if you get your AI chatbot to do it for you, it's a whole other story. The chatbot will collect data in real-time and store it for later use. The data will help the chatbot understand each customer separately. Then, the chatbot will form tailored responses and promotions for each customer.
Collecting data will allow you to make more personalized content for your customers. The customized content will strike close to the hearts of your customers, and the likelihood of them being interested in what you have to offer will increase. And, if interest increases, so will sales.
Not only will that increase customer engagement, but it will keep customers interested in your business. Also, customers will feel as though their voice is heard. And it is. What's more, your customers will feel respected and will respect you even more in turn.
Better Security
One of the most significant advantages of conversational AI is increased security. Online sites and stores have to guarantee safety to their customers. So, if you have an online store, your customers will be safer with the help of AI.
Artificial Intelligence software can recognize potential threats and security problems. Also, it can eliminate security threats immediately before they do any damage. Thus, your customers will feel freer to shop on your site. Also, you will be more trustworthy in their eyes.

Cost-advantages of Conversational AI
As we mentioned, having a chatbot do all your simple tasks will decrease your costs. Your chatbot will do many different jobs for you, for the price of one. Managing sales, answering FAQs, finding products, to name a few.
You can leave almost everything in the hands of AI. You won't have to spend time and resources on long tasks like counting inventory. Also, you won't have to train multiple employees on how to handle sales and returns. What's more, employees won't have to stay overtime to sort documents and receipts. Thus, you won't have to pay them for overtime work.
Also, you can get a chatbot that doesn't require any coding. For example, Ideta's chatbot is an AI-based chatbot that doesn't need coding. So, anyone can set up the chatbot without any problems. You do not have to be an IT expert to enjoy the benefits that chatbots offer. Also, if you have any issues, the team at Ideta will be available to you 24/7.
What's more, getting a chatbot like Ideta's will save you even more money. Namely, you won't need to hire IT experts to help you.
Your Sales Will Skyrocket
Almost everyone has had experience with online purchases. The experience either went tremendous or was not good at all. And, you don't want to be in the "bad" section, do you?
If you provide the correct information to your customers and update them in time, you will be on their good side. No one wants to worry about whether their package will arrive or not. Also, if people don't hear from you, they will think that you will scam them. Thus, they won't return and will ask for their money back. And that isn't good for business.
However, the 24/7 service your chatbot will give to your customers will make all their worries disappear. There's nothing like asking about the ETA on your package and receiving feedback almost immediately.
Your AI chatbot will help your customers with everything they need. They will know that your service is accurate and buy products from you again. Thus, your sales will increase along with your profits. Not only that, but you will gain more loyal customers too.
Higher sales are one of the advantages of conversational AI that might finally convince you to take the plunge. It shows that using an AI-chatbot is a win-win for both you and your customers.

Final Thoughts
The many advantages of conversational AI are too good to ignore. AI can help you in more ways than we can fit in a single article.
So, if you think that these are the only advantages you will gain, you are mistaken. There are many more benefits you can reap. However, these are some of the most important ones that you need to know.
Of course, now and then, you may need to step up and take over. However, with simple tasks and requirements, you're set. Sometimes a customer or two will have extraordinary requests, and then you will take over. However, that won't happen often.
Taking into consideration all that has been said, artificial intelligence chatbot is the future of communication and marketing. After all, it provides so many benefits that it is bound to be the next best thing.