Chatbot for travel in the hotel industry | Ideta
What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
It is obvious that a chatbot for travel and hotel chatbots, are playing an increasingly important role in hotel operations. With their help, repetitive tasks like guest requests and inquiries can be automated. And from the clients’ perspective, a chatbot will reduce the amount of time it’s taking them to find a suitable offer on the internet.

There are Reservations Agent Chatbots, Customer Care Chatbots, Online Travel Agency Chatbots and Local Insider Concierge Chatbots.
- Reservations Agent Chatbots help clients to seek flight and hotel recommendations and book them via some messenger tool.
- Customer Care Chatbots provide customer support and allow users to address their complaints in a private manner which the chatbots can then prioritize and categorize for easier handling. It allows hotels to respond to messages in time and avoid negative reviews. Those bots provide personalized and automated communication between the clients and the hotels.
Hotel staff can easily be notified when guests' requests are received and notifications will be transferred automatically to the matching staff member. - Online Travel Chatbots for Agency allow users to find their perfect holiday offer, including hotel and flights, by just typing in some random search words. NLP (Natural Language Processing algorithms) makes it possible for chatbots to find suitable offers based on those random search words.
- Last but not least, the Local Insider Concierge Chatbots help tourists to spend their holidays feeling like a local: they find authentic restaurants, relaxing possibilities, and even accommodations in non-touristic spots.

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All the plus sides of a chatbot for travel
In addition to all the advantages already mentioned in the intro of this article, there are many more: chatbots are not only just time-saving for users, but also for hotel employees. By delegating easily automated tasks to a chatbot, the employees have more time for other, more complex tasks.
Also a huge advantage: payments can be made directly in the chatbot, the user doesn’t have to be forwarded to a separate site. Furthermore, with travel chatbots, the user history will be saved. It’s uncomplicated to return to previously discussed matters. The customer support is ensured 24/7. Chatbots for travel are able to identify and solve urgent and simple matters without the help of a human.
How can I use a chatbot for travel?
When making a chatbot for travel, it is important to:
- Link your chatbot to your booking system
- Insert images so the customer may have a better visual representation
- Use the FAQ to elaborate a conversation path for your customers to be able to answer their needs.
- Use NLP for more complex questions
The Ideta chatbot builder allows you to create your own chatbot without coding.
With Ideta you can easily link your chatbot to a NLP provider (Dialogflow) and use AI in your conversation.

Google Business Messages
Some hotels already work with a similar tool: Google Business Messages. This can be found when tourists search for hotels on Google Maps.
Users can get in touch with the hotel they’re looking for immediately and can ask questions. This way, they can find out things they need to know before making the decision to go to this hotel or not. It’s very easy, they don’t have to call and wait until someone is available, they can do it from everywhere, also when they’re currently on the road.
A chatbot for travel can definitely can be a game changer for your hotel management or your agency company. It saves time for your business and your team and leave more time for more complex tasks to achieve.
A chatbot for travel is the fastest way to get your business to the next level.