How to Write a Video Game Review
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So, you have faced the necessity to write a compelling video game review. What's now?
There might be numerous reasons why you have to write a video game review. First of all, it might be a part of your academic program if, let's say, you are majoring in game design. Alternatively, it might be a part of your job if you are working as a game tester. But, regardless of the reasons, the chances are that you will face a number of challenges in the process of writing.
So, where do you start? In case you are not sure if you can handle it on your own, there is a simple way to delegate the writing of a video game review to professionals. Services that let students pay someone to write my paper, like AssignmentGeek, could help you with this task.
Typically, using such paper writing services, you can simply say, "I want to pay for essay" and get professional help with pretty much any type of assignment. But, there is also a different path. If you are interested in writing a review yourself, this article will guide you through this process step by step.
Let's dive in and see what steps you should take to create a brilliant video game review on your on!

1- Define Your Purpose and Audience
Before you get to work, you should clearly understand the purpose for which you are writing your review. It might be for a college or another educational institution, for a magazine, for a reviewing site, etc. Depending on who you are writing for, you might need to change the tone and voice of your review. So, start by defining your purpose and audience.
2- Understand the Basic Requirements
Depending on who you are writing for, the basic requirements for your review, such as length or uniqueness, can also vary. So, after identifying your purpose, be sure to take your time to understand what is expected of you in this review.
For example, if you are writing for college, your review will have to meet the word limit, be 100% unique, well-structured, include proper citations, and have a formal tone of voice.
3- Play the Game
After you know the purpose, audience, and requirements, you can finally get to your review, and, whether you like it or not, you won't be able to get it done without actually playing the game you are writing about.
So, your next step is to devote at least 7-10 hours to playing the game you will be reviewing to get a good feel of it and learn more about its features. At this stage, pay attention to the details - try to note any advantages and disadvantages, see how the plot develops, etc.
4- Take Notes
After you've played the game for a while, take your time to write down all important notes about it. Start by outlining the basic information, including the plot, characters, design, type of game, genre, main features, add-on purchases, etc.
Then take notes based on your own experience. Write down everything you liked and didn't like about the game. Be sure to describe your player's experience in detail to have more information for your future review.
5- Make a Comparison
It is always good if you can compare the game in your review with similar games or, maybe, previous releases of the same game. However, if you decide to include such comparisons, be sure to use specific examples instead of general phrases in order to make your review sound complete.

6- Write Your Review
When you have collected all the information and notes, you can start writing your video game review. Here are the key steps you should take:
- Look through several examples of such reviews to see how it should look like;
- Make an outline;
- Write an attention-grabbing introduction that starts with a hook and introduces the topic of your review;
- Write the body of your review - be sure to discuss such important points as graphics, sound effects, plot, characters, and your personal player's experience. Feel free to use examples and details. But, keep your review straight to the point and informative;
- Finish your review with a logical conclusion, and don't forget to give your final rate to the game.
7- Proofread and Edit
Finally, when your review is done, don't forget to take enough time to proofread it to make sure that your review is free of errors. Also, don't forget to check your text for plagiarism if necessary.
The Bottom Line
Just like that, in seven simple steps, you can write a compelling video game review. The good news is that handling this type of task shouldn't be too hard because video games are fun. What is more, now you have a complete guide with tips to make the process simple and enjoyable!