Best way to reply on Instagram
What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
When you are managing an Instagram page to generate engagement, you should also apply another strategy to see more results. Indeed it is more than important to reply on Instagram for your audience to keep on interacting with you.
No need to say that your replies should bring something valuable to the conversation. Depending on the comments your audience gives you, a simple “thank you” may not be enough for them to stay hooked. More elaborate answers should be provided to keep a genuine connection between you and your followers. They are taking the time to comment your post, they expect you to take some time to do the same.
And remember that increasing your engagement pays on the long-run. That is why it is also paramount to be consistent in your replies. Also consider the fact that a comment brings more than a like in terms of engagement.
To help you fulfil this mission, you can read our below advice on how to reply on Instagram properly to grow your engagement. It might take you some time at first but these tips will show how useful they are on the long-term. What’s more the Ideta auto comment tool has been developed to help you automate this task easily.
What are the pros when you reply on Instagram?
Check Instagram Comments Before Purchasing
To see what is at stake, we must see the bigger picture.
When you consider Instagram as a growing e-commerce platform, you should also see it as a way of collecting customer reviews before buying. That is why letting comments unanswered can be dangerous for your business. When replying to comments you prove your reactivity and your reliability. 2 key qualities when a customer wants to buy a service or a product.
Increase your visibility on Instagram
Commenting will quickly increase your Instagram organic reach. Reactions make your posts visible, your comments encourage more reactions thus further increasing the number of reactions... What’s more by getting a higher organic reach, you will have more chance to obtain new followers.

Manage your e-reputation
Do no left a negative comment unanswered or you will put your business at stake. What we recommend you is to answer to the requests while giving more visibility to the positive comments. You can for instance pin the comments of your choice under your post. Thus it will not be drown under the mass of comments left by the other followers and everyone will be able to see it easily.
How to reply to a negative comment on Instagram?
If negative comments appears on a post, you should not ignore it. Unless it is an offensive comment, this may be a valuable information to take into account for your business. Customer complaints are sometimes constructive feedbacks to improve your products and services. But what is even more important is to show that no one is left alone without answers. It would cause much more damage to your company. By replying via DM, you will solve the problem in a more peaceful way without tarnishing your brand image. To su up the only comments you should delete are the bot ones and offensive and hateful comments.

Manage positive comments on Instagram
In business you should never take things for granted. You may think that a positive comment expect nothing in returns but you would be wrong. This is your chance to thank the person who sent you this positive message.
And if this message worth it, think about pinning it for everybody else to see. When you reply on Instagram to a comment, your other followers will interact with each other under your post, thus furthering the engagement and therefore your visibility on the Gram. To make the answering process much more pleasant and especially less time-consuming, Ideta developed a solution to help you manage automatic replies on Instagram and Facebook. Check the Ideta Auto comment builder.

Neutral feedbacks cannot be ignored
As these comments contains no negative nor positive tone, you should look into it a bit deeper to know if they tend to be more positive, which will often be the case. People tend to express their anger more easily than their joy. So by answering, you may also encourage them to express more fully their positive feelings about your products. Try to investigate by answering them questions and ask them explicitly what they thought. If this neutral comment is just a person tagging another account or friends answering each others, you don’t need to write a proper comment but a like can be appreciated.
Brand related questions
As we said earlier, replying to an Instagram comment can be related to your brand or products. That is why you should be quick in answering in order to push the customer into buying by giving them the right answers. Why doing it quickly? Because there is a chance that your customers are asking the same questions to your competitors and the quicker you are, the more chance your follower will purchase on your account. As people tend to be less and less patient, they are searching reactivity from a brand. It also shows that you are active and ready to answer to more questions that can make them complete their purchase.
How to generate more comments on your Instagram posts?
Take care of captions
The picture in itself may not be enough. You can also ask a question to your followers and they will feel at ease to answer. Also use the right hashtags to boost the visibility of your post. To see what hashtags are trending, you can either do a manual research on Instagram or study your competitors.
Post the right content
By being cohesive in your posts selection and having a strong visual identity, people will be more prompt to look into your profile and follow your account.
What about commenting others' posts?
To increase your engagement, you can also start by commenting on other people’s posts and contact them via DM. Comments encourage more comments so it can be an effective way to boost the engagement on your posts.