What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
AI is changing the future of digital marketing in various ways. It is helping marketers create effective strategies, track marketing campaigns, and more. If you are a digital marketer, it will allow you to better understand your customers and clients.

There are several other ways in which artificial intelligence is changing the field of digital marketing. In this article, we will discuss some of these methods in detail.
How AI is Reshaping the Future of Digital Marketing – 5 Different Ways
Being a marketer, one thing that you must keep in mind is that AI is simply a collection of algorithms that can only be beneficial when combined with specific tools or software. As a result, all of the approaches that I am going to outline below can be completed efficiently only by employing modern AI tools.
1. Personalized And Automated Marketing
Personalized marketing is the process through which marketers tailor campaigns based on customer data.

To my knowledge, many of marketers in the world are using AI solutions to rapidly collect the data required to provide personalized marketing experiences to customers. To that aim, there are numerous AI personalization tools available on the web that you or online marketers may use to customize their marketing experience.
Automated marketing is the use of specialized tools to accomplish many digital marketing tasks automatically and without human interaction. Some of such tasks can be posting to numerous networks at once and reacting to client concerns and these are some of your regular responsibilities as being marketer. AI provides the added benefit of automating these tasks.
Marketers may save substantial time and effort by adopting artificial intelligence to automate typical marketing operations, as well as enhance overall work productivity.
2. Predictive Analysis For Future Trends
If you are not aware of the term “predictive analysis”, then let us start this heading with the definition. It is a type of technology that uses statistical data and information to predict future trends and outcomes.

To perform accurate predictive analysis for businesses, marketers turn to AI-powered predictive analytics tools. These tools quickly scan and analyze large amounts of unstructured/big data to identify actionable patterns and trends. You can use the results of these tools to predict future results. With predictive analysis, you can do more than just shape the future. Instead, it also helps marketers identify customer responses and design more effective marketing strategies and campaigns.
In addition, you can also optimize marketing campaigns. You also need to understand what has proven to be most effective in reaching your audience.
3. Automated Content Creation And Optimization
To effectively execute a digital marketing campaign, you need to consistently deliver high-quality content to your target audience. The problem, however, is that creating quality content takes time and effort. This is where artificial intelligence comes into play. This allows marketers to automate the content creation process.

Easily find AI-based content creation tools that you can use to quickly create high-quality content tailored to your audience. These tools are equipped with sophisticated algorithms to understand your input and take action quickly. Automating the content creation process offers marketers many benefits, including such as it saves you time and effort and allows you to create content in minutes (without any kind of grammatical errors).
Content optimization is also very important in digital marketing as it improves search visibility and makes it easier for potential customers to find your content within the results.
To optimize content, marketers should pay attention to several aspects such as making content easy to read, avoiding unnecessary repetitions and words, using short sentences and paragraphs, etc.
If this all confuses you, please do not worry. AI also simplifies the content optimization process through the use of content optimization tools. These tools rewrite text by rephrasing submitted content, replacing complex words with simple synonyms for readability, and removing duplicate or unnecessary words to optimize input content.
4. Chatbots For Maximized Customer Service
AI chatbots are tools that utilize AI and NLP algorithms to understand client concerns and problems and allow business owners to answer to them automatically.

There are various AI-powered chatbots available that allow marketers to provide 24/7 customer support to customers all over the world. Marketers may integrate these into the brand's official website, social media channels, messenger apps, and other platforms. Chatbot integration enables you to interact with your customers in real time and provide assistance anytime they require it.
Marketers may improve the whole customer experience by implementing AI-powered chatbots, resulting in higher consumer trust and brand loyalty, which is a primary goal of digital marketing.
5. Helping In Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
By assisting with customer relationship management, AI is also transforming the future of digital marketing. A CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) product powered by AI provides marketers with useful and in-depth data into their customer interactions.

There are numerous AI-powered CRM products available that not only track and manage customer contacts, but also record conversations between your organization and existing customers.
An AI-based CRM technology provides several benefits to digital marketers, including a better understanding of their clients, which is a common difficulty for marketers. Other advantages include increased client retention, improved communication, and other advantages. I want you to grasp how artificial intelligence is transforming the world of digital marketing after going through all of these approaches.
Final Thoughts
Without a doubt, AI will drive the future of digital marketing. And in the future years, digital marketing is projected to shift even more. We have highlighted some of the important ways AI is transforming the future of digital marketing in this article. Please use all available means. Have fun with your marketing!