4 Ways Chatbots Can Automate Your Content Strategy
What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
As we move further into 2022, more and more people are in favor of businesses using chatbots to automate their content strategy and their customer support. According to data, 47% are open to buying items via chatbot instead of talking to real-world salespeople. With the chatbot market poised to reach $1.25 billion by 2025, it’s high time for companies to think about chatbot automation in their content strategies.
What are the ways you can use chatbots to your advantage as an online business? Moreover, how can chatbots help improve your content across the board and lead to higher lead generation and revenue?
Advantages of Relying on Chatbots in your Content Strategy
Before we go into chatbot automation and how it can help your business, let’s discuss the reasons to pursue this path. Customer support outsourcing is a high business cost and for many companies, it’s inevitable.
You can either hire full-time support staff or outsource your customer support but at the end of the day, the costs of doing so can be high. Moreover, you’ll rarely have concrete, objective data to look forward to on how customers interact with your agents. Based on reports, 55% of people prefer chatbots due to their speed in answering simple questions, with 64% favoring their 24/7 servicing model.
Nancy Howard, Content Writer, and Editor at TrustMyPaper spoke on the topic of chatbots:
“Chatbots can learn how to cater to your audience’s needs the longer they’re active thanks to their machine learning AI. They can help your business give off the impression of a large, intricate enterprise even if you’re running in startup mode in reality. Whether in retail, SaaS, eCommerce, or other, businesses should adopt chatbot automation to remain relevant.”
With chatbots, there are no working hours or holidays to speak of – they’ll always be there for your visitors to chat with. There are very real advantages to chatbots to consider:
- Ability to personalize your chatbot experience with custom-made messages and responses
- Gather valuable interaction data from each website visit for later analysis and content revisions
- Free up your staff’s time and allow them to focus on more pressing, manual operations
- Lower your support upkeep and increase the ROI associated with customer servicing
Ways in Which Chatbots can Automate your Content Strategy
Create a New Content Sharing Funnel with Chatbot Automation
There are ways to use your chatbot beyond answering questions with simple text-based answers. As a business, you’ll likely have a dedicated blog section on your website with plenty of articles and how-to guides to share with people. You can use said articles and posts as answers in your chatbot’s algorithm.
For example, if someone searches for “marketing help” in your chatbot window, you can set the chatbot up to present the link to your post. This will not only help people solve common issues they might face while on your site but also drive relevant traffic to your blog posts. The same funnel can be used to link various types of content into the chatbot window, such as videos, external links, or even PDF files.
Collect Feedback, Survey, and Poll Data from your Audience
As your audience grows and interacts with the chatbot more and more, you’ll want to start gathering some feedback. While you can go the traditional route and send surveys via email or social media messaging apps, you can also do that through the chatbot.
You can use visitors’ cookies to trigger different polls or feedback forms to show up for certain people or present your surveys to everyone. Incentivize people to fill out your forms by offering them a small discount coupon or a free sample or eBook as a reward. Given that people are likely to interact with your chatbot regularly, this is a great way to passively collect useful data from them.
Seamlessly Localize your Visitor Engagement into Multiple Languages
Given that chatbots don’t require you to manually chat with your site’s visitors, you can automate different responses to trigger on their own. This opens the possibility for you to localize and otherwise translate your chatbot responses into multiple languages.
Firstly, you should write chatbot content in your native language to have a good baseline to work with. Platforms like Evernote, SupremeDissertations, and Hemingway Editor can help you write, proofread, and format content. Then, you can translate the same responses into languages like German, Spanish, and French to expand your reach and cater to more visitors from around the world.
Provide Visitors with Seamless Customer Support Mechanisms
Lastly, what chatbots are known for the most is their customer support capability. Thanks to the chatbot’s “if-then” functionality, you can set up literally hundreds of triggers and responses to various user queries. This will save valuable time and resources on your part and give people a sense of your business being much bigger and more intricate.
You should still have a support agent or business representative available for more complex queries or tickets that chatbots aren’t able to tackle. However, even this by itself will automate much of your customer engagement and make it easier to handle critical problems instead of losing precious time.

Automate your Content Strategy with Chatbots
Integrating chatbots into your content strategy in 2022 is a net positive regardless of your business’ scale or the industry in which it operates. You can automate not only your customer support pipeline but also gain valuable insight into how your audience interacts with your content and website.
This will enable your marketers to craft more relevant content, catering to the exact wants and needs of specific audience segments. Without chatbots, you pass on valuable passive audience interaction data which is a critical loss and will allow your competitors to take the market lead.